Beneficial Nematodes - Triple Threat

by Pet Foods Shop
$61.00 USD

Comprehensive Control for General Pest Infestations!

The Triple-Threat Combo includes each of three beneficial nematode species: Heterorhabditis bacteriaphora, Steinernema carpocapsae and Steinernema feltiae. Use this combination to achieve the broadest coverage of a wide variety of soil dwelling pest populations or if you are unsure of the specific pests you have.

Beneficial Nematodes are naturally occurring, microscopic organisms (non-segmented round worms) found in soils throughout the world. They parasitize and kill insect pests in their larval or pupal stage of development preventing egg laying and limiting crop damage. After application, nematodes locate pests and enter through body openings or directly through the body wall. Once inside, the nematodes produce bacteria that is injected into the pest's blood. This bacteria kills the host pest within 24-48 hours while the nematodes continue to reproduce within it.

As the food resources within their host become scarce, the nematodes emerge and begin searching for a new host. While each species attacks a wide variety of pests, they are species specific and safe to use around beneficial insects, mammals or aquatic life.

Shelf Life: 14 days after delivery (refrigerated and unopened in original container).


5 million 1,600 sq. ft.
10 million 3,200 sq. ft.
50 million 1 Acre
250 million 5 Acres
500 million 10 Acres


This Product Controls These Pests or Diseases:

NemAttack, Sc - Armyworm (Pseudaletia unipuncta), Artichoke Plume Moth, Bagworm, Beet Armyworm (Spodoptera exigua (Hubner)), Black Cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel)), Black Vine Weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus), Bluegrass Weevil, Caterpillars, Cockroaches (American, Asian, German), Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella), Corn Earworm, Cotton Bollworm, Cranberry Girdler, Cucumber Beetle, Cutworm (Agrotis, Amathes, Peridroma, Prodenia spp), Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), Flea Larvae, Fly Larvae, Fruit Flies (Drasophylla), Greater Peach Tree Borer (Synanthedon exitiosa), Lesser Peach Tree Borer (Synanthedon pictipes), Large Pine Weevil, Leafminers, Mint Flea Beetle, Mint Root Borer, Mole Crickets, Navel Orangeworm, Strawberry Root Weevil (Otiorhynchus ovatus), Tobacco Budworm, Webworms, Wireworm, Wood Borers

NemAttack, Sf - Beet Armyworm, Black Cutworm, Cabbage Maggot, Codling Moth, Corn Earworm, Cucumber Beetle, Fruit Flies (Drasophylla), Fungus Gnats (Bradysia impatiens), Onion Maggots, Pill Worm, Raspberry Crown Borer, Root Maggots, Sclarids, Shore Flies, Subterranean Termites, Sweet Potato Weevil, Thrips (Franklinothrips sp), Ticks, Tobacco Cutworm

NemaSeek, Hb - Ants (Queen), Asparagus Beetle (Crioceris asparagi; Crioceris duodecimpunctata), Bagworm, Banana Moth, Banana Weevil, Berry Root Weevil, Billbug, Black Vine Weevil, Borers (Iris, Tree, Vine), Carrot Weevil (Listronotus oregonensis), Chafers (European, Masked), Citrus Root Weevil, Colorado Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), Corn Rootworm, Cranberry Root Weevil, Cucumber Beetle (Spotted) (Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi), Flea Beetles, Fleas (Adults), Gall Midges, Grape Root Borer, Grubs, Humpbacked Flies, Japanese Beetle (Popillia japonica Newman), Leafminers, May/June Bugs (Phyllophaga sp.), Root Weevils, Scarabs, Sugarcane Stalk Borer, Sweet Potato Weevil, Ticks

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